Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Birthday is a doodly-doo!

It was my birthday today. Things happened, I got older, I got a sweet velvet jacket, and ate some stuff. Awesome.

Stephi is making fun of the blog...she's just mad I don't write about her exclusivly.
So here it is:


Her leg itches.


Woo! Ok so on to the other stuff.
Best sock based t.v. show ever? SIFL AND OLLY SHOW! I've been watching random clips on youtube all week and god I miss that show. If you are unfamiliar (Dad) the show was on MTV about 10ish years ago. It is the most simple show, as it involvs just sock puppets in front of a green screen. It's basically a variety show, with interviews, calls from the public (calls calls calls...calls *BONK*), the funniest mock infomercials ever (WHERE ARE ALL THE CORPSES?) and of course some incredibly funny and suprisingly catchy, memorable songs. Did I mention it's all sock puppets? Yeah. One of the dudes behind the show, Liam Lynch, also released a great album a few years back, featuring the hit "United States of Whatever" and had a song with Ringo Starr playing drums. Yeah...RINGO. Anyway, in the general vein of MTV being a bunch of ass-clowns, the show has never been released on DVD and was cancelled after only 2 seasons (supposedly because they weren't willing to put more money into the show, which only cost them like 8 bucks to begin with and I'm sure made them tons). Luckily those youtube ninjas keep it up and rotating around fairly consistanly. So check it out HERE and thank me later. Thank me in cereal...or fake blood.

Crecsent Fresh

The Dan

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